Based in the North West of England, Greater Manchester Sports Clubs GMSC, is a group of clubs that aspire to be the most inclusive professional club in English football withers built upon the success of our partner club GMFC to now include a host of new sports with the first phase to include Cricket, Basketball, Netball, NFL and Swimming, with phase 2 launching in 2024 with programs being launched in Tennis, Athletics, Motor Sports and more. Our ambition is to ensure GMSC becomes one the largest and commercially successful inclusive clubs in England that truly celebrates the rich diversity of its people and talent on the global stage, creating an environment that enables talent to shine, achieve their potential and take their next professional step. Based in the North West of England, Greater Manchester FC (GMFC) is a club that celebrates the rich diversity of the greater conurbation of Manchester, home to over 2.7 million people, rated as the second most globally influential city in the UK after London. The region is home to key sectors such as Business, Financial and Professional Services, Health and Social Care, Creative and Digital, Advanced Manufacturing, Research and Sport – all of which generate a gross value add (GVA) of over £56bn to the UK economy on an annual basis. (Source: New Economy Manchester) The club has already taken steps to set up an independent professional board of nonexecutive advisors that have decades of experience in sectors such as Media, Diversity and Inclusion, Finance, Human Resources that will meet quarterly with the GMFC board. This will allow the club to have input from subject matter experts to be critical friends and help the club and management grow and develop in a multitude of ways.


At Greater Manchester Sports Clubs, we are not just planning for this season, as a club we are invested in the future of Greater Manchester. The main aim of GMSC is to become a Legacy Project and for GMSC to be the beacon for how grassroots recruitment should be done across Greater Manchester and beyond. Thanks to our Partners across a range of industries we are on the path to making this a reality for all communities in Greater Manchester. At our new home at Hough End, there will also be a purpose built multi-sports academy which will enable us to cater for boys and girls of all ages and to create specific sessions for all age groups and genders to cater for Sports Development but also a curriculum of activities to enhance their Academic journey. Furthermore we have plans to also have teams and sessions taking place for the those with disabilities. All of these will be run and administered by GMSC with the aim being to provide professional coaching and development at a young age to help develop the talent of tomorrow. Be that with GMSC or with another team. We are here for all communities across Greater Manchester and will have a very open and approachable policy where anyone can bring their children and be safe in the knowledge that every child is being treated as an individual and being coached to the best possible standards and in a safe and nurturing environment. Education is at the heart of everything we do at GMSC and through our partnerships our players have access to Education and Training courses as well as Apprenticeships and Work Experience. All under the watchful leadership of our Director of Education Sajjid Sarwar who bring years of Education and Sports expertise to his position at Greater Manchester Sports Clubs We are here to help bridge the gap between mainstream football and the BAMER and LGBTQ+ communities. Anyone in those communities and what to get into any aspect of sport, will find GMSC as the ideal platform on which to help those dreams come true.


At GMFC we believe that it is about time that Professional Sport was held to account and took responsibility for the impact and influence it has on the lives of young people. In academies across the country young people often as young as 6 to 7 years old are lured with the hopes of dreams of being the next big sports superstar. The reality is that outcome applies to LESS THAT 0.1% of all those that enter the sport. That means that OVER 99% of young people entering sport will not make it as a professional. The worry is that for many, after what could be a 8, 9 or even 10 year journey, they are spat out by academies without any support or care. Having invested so much of their life into one aspect they are now left short of other skills and at this point, mental health issue usually follow. For those that are not fortunate enough to have a good support network, the outcomes are much worse and for BAME youths from deprived communities, the consequences can be disastrous.
Sports need to care, but it doesn’t!. Greater Manchester Sports Club is working hard to break this horrible cycle Every one of our members is given access to the best coaching and support they would need but also access to the clubs mental health support staff. Once in the club, we then do a support interview where it is made clear that in order to stay with the club, they must actively work toward a PLAN B
Through our extensive and wonderful partner organisations, we then place each member of a progression pathway. Either going back into education to do GCSE’s or A-levels. Access to Further Education. Access to Vocational courses or for some support to Employment.
It is our belief that THIS is the approach in order to achieve a truly inclusive society
We want to equip young people with the Knowledge, Skills and Self-Confidence to be active and engaged members of society rather than feeling like a burden upon it. That is why we believe that we are
Greater Manchester Sports Clubs are uniquely positioned to provide a professional sports programs to people across Greater Manchester. We currently have programs running across
Manchester City Centre
North Manchester
Etihad Campus
Whalley Range
Rochdale and Middleton
Our exciting plans for expansion means that by 2024 we will also be offering a range of sporting programs to members across
South Manchester
Through our extensive range of Partner Organisations, we currently already have an active presence and are delivering projects in
In 2023 – 24 we are looking to announce some amazing new projects in USA, Canada, UAE, Pakistan and Malaysia
At Greater Manchester Football Club, we understand the power of collaboration and understand that he more we work with each other, understand each other and support each other, the better a world we can leave behind for future generations.
At GMFC we know that there are amazing people doing amazing work all over the world and we are always proud and excited to come across like-minded individuals as well as clubs and organisations. We are more excited still to have forged amazing partnerships with some amazing organisations across the world in the interest of sharing food practice, teaching & learning as w

Mohammed Haroon CEO

Stuart Hunter CFO

Sajjid Sarwar Director of Education

Khurram Adnan
Director of Marketing & Communication

Syed Ali Director
Jade Bailey Director of Sales & Sponsorships

Muhammed Ilyas Director of Cricket ilyas@greatermanchestersportsclubs.com Jakob WardDirector of Football & Swimming jakob@greatermanchestersportsclubs.com Elana Sheikh Director of Netball elana@greatermanchestersportsclubs.com Phil Beswick Director of NFL phil@greatermanchestersportsclubs.com Zian Nadeem Director of Motorsports zian@greatermanchestersportsclubs.com Holly Jameson Director of Basketball holly@greatermanchestersportsclubs.com