Based in the North West of England, The Greater Manchester FC Foundation CIC, was created to provide a platform for people from the BAME community across Greater Manchester to gain access to physical and mental health support while at the same time open pathways to Education, Training and Employment

Our ambition is to ensure that The Greater Manchester FC Foundation builds on the amazing and innovative work down by Greater Manchester FC and bring a new style of events and programs that are designed for and shaped by the very community that needs it the most

Based in the North West of England, The Greater Manchester FC (GMFC) Foundation is an organisation that celebrates the rich diversity of the greater conurbation of Manchester, home to over 2.7 million people, rated as the second most globally influential city in the UK after London. The region is home to key sectors such as Business, Financial and Professional Services, Health and Social Care, Creative and Digital, Advanced Manufacturing, Research and Sport – all of which generate a gross value add (GVA) of over £56bn to the UK economy on an annual basis. (Source: New Economy Manchester)

The club has already taken steps to set up an independent professional board of nonexecutive advisors that have decades of experience in sectors such as Media, Diversity and Inclusion, Finance, Human Resources that will meet quarterly with the The GMFC Foundation board. This will allow the organisation to have input from subject matter experts to be critical friends and help the club and management grow and develop in a multitude of ways.


At The Greater Manchester FC Foundation, we are building on innovative projects that have been running since 2019 to ensure that the BAME community has access to the best possible resources and ensure pathways to progression.

We regularly run workshops and hold focus groups in the community to assess previous events and address the needs of the community to help shape future events. In 2023 we ran several successful programs including our innovative Muslim Women Wellness Program, Trans Support Program, Pathways to Progression and several others.

At The Greater Manchester FC Foundation, every member that joins us is placed onto an individual learner pathway. We first get them on a program to improve physical and mental health and then having done their initiation meeting, help them to open pathways into education, training or employment. Each member then has a mentor for the duration of the program as well as access to a mental health co-ordinator. Finally on exiting the program we carry out further work to help them access a wider network or additional support where needed.

We are here to help bridge the gap between mainstream football and the BAMER and LGBTQ+ communities. Anyone in those communities that want to get into any aspect of sport, will find The GMFC Foundation as the ideal platform on which to help those dreams come true.

Since 2019, Greater Manchester FC has helped over 4000 people from the BAME community gain access to some form of support and that work has now been picked up and developed further by The Greater Manchester FC Foundation

EVENTS IN 2023-24

The Greater Manchester FC Foundation will be running a series of events over the coming 18 months designed at creating an more inclusive society while also equipping young people from the BAME community, the skills and self-confidence to become and active and valued member of society

We are currently running Phase 1 of our events which will run from January 2023 to June 2024. There
is a series of events running across Greater Manchester including;
Womens Wellness
Healthy Hearts Healthy Minds
Access to Media Training
Future Leaders Workshops
to name but a few. In total there are over 12 different programs to be run in the next 18 months

Phase 1 will culminate in Summer 2024 with the presentation of The Impact Fair. A one-day event aimed at encouraging people from different communities to connect, engage and at the same time try a range of sports activities. All aimed at bringing people together and promoting a more active lifestyle

For more information about The Impact Fair, speak to one of our Directors or Events Managers today


Greater Manchester has always been synonymous with sporting excellence and a spirit that brings communities together. At The Greater Manchester FC Foundation we are proud of that heritage and tradition and aim to use the platform of sport to bring people across Greater Manchester together irrespective of race, religion, gender, orientation etc. At a time where people are constantly being given labels, The Greater Manchester FC Foundation aims to tear away the labels and instead create an environment where everyone feels comfortable and in doing so can be the best version of themselves.

The Greater Manchester FC Foundation has been created on the ethos of STRONGER WHEN EQUAL

We invite you to stand with us and help us create a truly inclusive society in Greater Manchester and beyond.

The Greater Manchester FC Foundation belongs to the people of Greater Manchester and we will always welcome input from the communities, we host regular focus groups and workshops and we ensure that our community helps to shape future programs.


The Greater Manchester FC Foundation is uniquely positioned to provide a professional sports programs to people across Greater Manchester.

We currently have programs running across

Manchester City Centre
North Manchester
Etihad Campus
Whalley Range
Rochdale and

Our exciting plans for expansion means that by 2024 we will also be offering a range of sporting programs to members across


South Manchester



At our sister club Greater Manchester Football Club, we understand the power of collaboration and understand that he more we work with each other, understand each other and support each other, the better a world we can leave behind for future generations.

At GMFC we know that there are amazing people doing amazing work all over the world and we arealways proud and excited to come across like-minded individuals as well as clubs and organisations.We are more excited still to have forged amazing partnerships with some amazing organisations acrossthe world in the interest of sharing food practice, teaching & learning as well as our chance to give something back to a whole range of communities across the world.

Through our extensive range of Partner Organisations, we currently already have an active presence and are delivering projects in


In 2023 – 24 we are looking to announce some amazing new projects in USA, Canada, UAE,Pakistan and Malaysia